AEPA Speaker Series: The Schools White Paper with Sam Freedman
A deeper look at the White Paper and what it means for local education partnerships and local authorities.
About this Event
The Schools White Paper: What Dos it Mean for Local Education Partnerships and Local Authorities?
We are delighted to welcome Sam Freedman to join us at our next speaker event. Sam will give us an expert insight to the Schools White Paper and consider what it means for local education partnerships and local authorities. The event will include a presentation from Sam and time for Q&A.
Sam Freedman is a Senior Fellow covering education at the Institute of Government and a Senior Adviser to Ark Schools. He has worked in education for almost 20 years and has previously been a Senior Policy Adviser to the DfE (2010-2013); an Executive Director at Teach First (2013-2018); and CEO of Education Partnerships Group (2018-2021). He is also a trustee of several organisations included Ambition Institute and the Holocaust Education Trust.
A Zoom link will be shared with attendees ahead of the conference.