Exploring the approach and lessons from Haringey Education Partnership’s set-up

About this Event

Hear from HEP’s Chief Executive, James Page, and ask questions in an open discussion. Further discussions will follow in this series to learn from other education partnerships.

What are education partnerships?

Education Partnerships are school-led, place-based organisations that include all types of schools with the central purpose of improving local issues of quality and equity which cannot easily be tackled by autonomous schools working in a fractured system. They:

· Take responsibility for the quality of education in a local area and help to drive improvements in outcomes for children and
young people

· Act as an engine of improvement locally, brokering connections and initiatives across schools, and stimulating innovation

· Bridge the divide between different types of schools

· Provide a framework to allow schools to work together

Haringey Education Partnership’s journey

Haringey Education Partnership has been operational since 2018, but the work to design and establish the organisation began back in 2016. Getting from idea to reality had many twists and turns along the way working with the Council and with local schools. Critical decisions with the Council included: building a collaborative relationship with operational independence; procurement rules and contracting; TUPE and pensions; funding and contractual Terms and Conditions. Facing out to our schools, we needed to decide on the offer; win buy-in to an organisation that did not yet exist, based on membership and a traded offer. With school budgets under increasing strain, maintaining membership and value for our schools is an ongoing challenge.

A Zoom link will be shared with attendees ahead of the session

A recording of the roundtable is now available to view.